We’ll go over how to Easily Add Share Links for Social Media Platforms directly in our HTML in this tutorial. Social media share links are essential for every website, and you can easily add them!
To add a share link to Facebook:
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=https://myassetz.in/"e=My Assetz - Learn & Earn | Makes Everyone Richer">Share on Facebook</a>
Just replace the u= value to your specific URL value and quote= to the message you want to display before posting it to Facebook. You can test it from here:
To add a share link to Twitter:
<a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=https://myassetz.in/&text=My Assetz - Learn & Earn | Makes Everyone Richer">Share on Twitter</a>
Just replace the url= value to your specific URL value and text= to the message you want to display before posting it to Twitter. You can test it from here:
To add a share link to WhatsApp:
<a href="https://wa.me/?text=My Assetz - Learn & Earn | Makes Everyone Richer - https://myassetz.in/">Share on WhatsApp</a>
Just replace the text= to the message you want to display and place the URL at last or first as if like you want the text message before posting it to WhatsApp. You can test it from here:
To add a share link to Telegram:
<a href="https://t.me/share/url?url=https://myassetz.in&title=My Assetz - Learn & Earn | Makes Everyone Richer">Share on Telegram</a>
Just replace the url= value to the URL you wanted to be posted and text= to the message you want to display as if like you want the text message before posting it to Telegram. You can test it from here:
To add a share link to LinkedIn:
If it is an article:
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=https://myassetz.in/wordpress-elementor-scheme-typography-error-elementor-scheme_typography/">Share on LinkedIn</a>
You can test it from here:
If it is an direct URL:
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/sharing/share-offsite/?url=https://myassetz.in">Share on LinkedIn</a>
You can test it from here:
Just replace the url= value as you want before posting it to LinkedIn.
To add a share link to Pinterest:
<a href="https://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https://myassetz.in/&media=https://myassetz.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/favicon-1.png&description=My Assetz - Learn & Earn | Makes Everyone Richer">Share on Pinterest</a>
Just replace the url= value to your specific URL value and description= to the message you want to display and media= value to the image you want to post it on Pinterest, Media is necessary as Pinterest works only with media files. You can test it out here:
To share a link on Tumblr:
<a href="https://www.tumblr.com/widgets/share/tool?canonicalUrl=https://myassetz.in&caption=My Assetz - Learn & Earn | Makes Everyone Richer">Share on Tumblr</a>
Just replace the canonicalurl= value to your specific URL value and caption= to the message you want to display on Tumblr. You can test it out here:
To share a link on Reddit:
<a href="https://www.reddit.com/submit?url=https://myassetz.in&title=My Assetz - Learn & Earn | Makes Everyone Richer">Share on Reddit</a>
Just replace the url= value to your specific URL value and title= to the message you want to display on Reddit. You can test it out here:
To share a link on Gmail:
<a href="https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?view=cm&to&su=My Assetz - Learn & Earn | Makes Everyone Richer&body=https://myassetz.in/&bcc&cc&fs=1&tf=1">Share by Gmail</a>
The parameters you can use in Gmail:
: the email you want the email to be sent to
: The subject of the email
: the content of the email
and cc
: to set the bcc and cc of the email
All these parameters are optional. The only parameter that is required is view=cm
and you shouldn’t change it. You can test it out here: